Newbie Testing

Night Street Shots - Round Three - Finals (for now)

New Year's Eve - This was the night I had been working toward.

I suppose it turned out to be a bit "anti-climactic". The fireworks shot I had hoped for didn't turn out quite as well as I'd hoped. But, some of the other shots may have made up for that.

My Photo Mantra:

What is the 'point' of this shot . . .what is the subject? And, then -. . . what can I do to capture it?

Find the energy, what is it that drew my eye.
Don't photograph things per say, but the "essence" of things. And eliminate everything else.

thanks to: Jay and Darren from

Over-all - as a novice night photographer - I feel pretty good about my shots, but I know I have a long way to go.

New Year's Ever 2006

- click image to enlarge -

bear119t (38K) cc106t (23K)

Denver's 16th Street Mall

det401ct (20K) det231et (19K)

It was pretty dark; didn't even notice couple in background.



fw1017t (26K) rialto115t (23K)

Once I set-up for fireworks - the crowd prevented my relocating during the short display.



shuttle123t (25K)

This shot was almost an after thought. I stopped to grab a bite and set up camera to take pic of something in motion - another exploration into "streaming" images. I am pleased with it - and the effect of the lights' stationary reflection on the moving shuttle. I wish I could take more credit for its accidental success.



Union Train Station

union126t (27K) union303t (25K)

More elevation! The best I could do was climb onto a low wall and set my tripod as high as possible.





And that is the end of this test

Any constructive feed back would be greatly appreciated: or

thank you (especially for taking the time to view my test pictures




Post Test

After Action and Re-Work

In responce to feedback from Jay via - I am posting some other shots from this shoot. And I'm also going to experiment with some of the New Year's shots in terms of editing in my digital darkroom.



Additional pics from same shoot, posted - 1-29-06

cc210t (35K) det332bt (17K)

fw916t (25K) rialto115t (26K) union405t (20K)



posted - 1-29-06

det231e1t (20K) det231e2t (22K) det231e6t (19K)

First image:  Sharpened; cloned out blue light of boombox.
Second image:  "soft glow" (Gimp - artistic/soft glow).
Third image:  "greyscale" (irfanview).

det231e4t (24K) det231e5t (24K)

Couldn't resist experimenting with Gimp filters. 1st is "posterize". 2nd is posterize plus "cartoon".


det332bt (17K) det332b1t (17K)

2nd image:  Cloned out lights on left. Sharpened. Lightened as much as I could.


shuttle123t (25K) shuttle123bt (26K) shuttle123ct (25K) shuttle123dt (20K)

1st:  Same as original post.
2nd:  Less light & bright; more saturation.
3rd:  Un-"colorized" (Gimp / colorize).
4th:  Cropped.





You may copy these photos - provided you include a link back to my site [read more].

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

go to Wild Iris Photography
